What Employers Can Expect For 2025: Retaliation Claims

Attorneys Jack McCalmon, Leslie Zieren, and Emily Brodzinski discuss, in their annual "What Employers Can Expect" series, the equal employment risk of retaliation claims, complete with EEOC statistics and information from our RiskTrends™ database. Jack poses questions to Leslie and Emily, based on surveys regarding who Gen-Z employees consider best as mentors, and a job change satisfaction survey.

Here is a link to the podcast: What Employers Can Expect For 2025: Retaliation Claims

(Total time: 45 minutes and 09 seconds)

00:00 – 03:44     Welcome and introduction to RiskTrends™

03:45 – 32:12     What Employers Can Expect for 2025 – Retaliation Charges

32:13 – 37:05     What percentage of GenZ employees think AI provides better career advice than their manager does?

37:06 – 44:10     In 2024, what was the percentage decrease in job satisfaction for those who changed jobs during the Great Resignation?

44:11 – 45:09     Closing


On the next podcast, Jack, Leslie, and Emily discuss what employers can expect in 2025 from disability claims.

Jack McCalmon, Leslie Zieren, and Emily Brodzinski have more than 60 years of combined legal experience, helping employers lower risk and improve employee relations in their workplaces. Jack McCalmon is the founder of The McCalmon Group, Inc. Leslie Zieren is the manager of McCalmon's Best Practice Help Line, a service that permits insured and other employers to call for best practice consultations on employment practice matters. Emily Brodzinski manages RiskTrends™. RiskTrends™ is McCalmon's proprietary loss database that categorizes settlements, verdicts, and other forms of loss on management liability risks, including crime, cyber, directors and officers, employment practices, chi

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