Are Gen Z Workers Stressing Out Your Management? You Make The Call

According to a survey by, about 18 percent of managers have considered quitting due to the stress of managing Gen Z workers. Additionally, 27 percent of managers would avoid hiring Gen Z employees if possible, and half have fired a Gen Z worker who directly reports to them.

According to the source, Gen Z employees often come with strong technical skills but may lack practical experiences due to fewer opportunities for internships or in-person work, partly because of the pandemic. Managers report that Gen Z employees require more time and resources, and many have had to alter their management style to provide more structured guidance and frequent feedback.

The survey also found that 51 percent of managers experienced frustration, 44 percent experienced stress, and others reported feelings of disappointment, increased workload, and burnout. Managers noted that Gen Z employees often demonstrate poor work ethic and excessive phone use, causing tension among different generations in the workplace. (Nov. 07, 2024).

So, the question for our readers is: Are Gen Z Workers Stressing Out Your Management?

Please take the poll. Here is the opinion of one of the McCalmon editorial staff:

Jack McCalmon, Esq.

Our Gen Z workers are great. We are happy to have them. We don't seem to have the same problem expressed in the survey.

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